Services Quality Development of Bangpakok 9 Hospital


  • Niparat Ou-ngern Kasem Bundit University
  • Chinnaso Visitnitikija Kasem Bundit University


Services Quality, Development, Bangpakok 9 Hospital


The purposes of this study were to determine the services quality development, the level of patients’ satisfaction, comparison of patients’ service satisfaction classified by personal information, and to study relationship between service quality and service satisfaction of Bangpakok 9 Hospital. A questionnaire was distributed to a group of sample consisted of 400 patients who received services at the hospital. Data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test (one-way ANOVA), and correlation. Finding indicated that most of the respondents were female, age less than 30 years old, work at private enterprises, received a bachelor degree, earned average monthly income of less than 20,000 baht, being OPD patients, and paid for the services in cash. The overall opinion on service satisfaction was at a high level. The respondents with different personal demographic data by sex, age, occupation, education, income, types of patient care, and payment method; were no differences in service satisfaction. It was also found that service quality at Bangpakok 9 Hospital correlated positively with patients’ satisfaction in a high level. Suggestions from the study were that administrative officers should improve floor plans, such as direction signs, patient rest areas, refreshment service point, convenient parking areas, maintain service standards, arranging for knowledge training, fast services, and being responsive to the needs of patients.


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How to Cite

Ou-ngern, N. ., & Visitnitikija, C. . (2020). Services Quality Development of Bangpakok 9 Hospital . Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(1), 210–220. retrieved from



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