The knowledge synthesis of English Teaching Based on Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach (CLIL)


  • Sujinta Khamngoen College of Education, University of Payao
  • Lumyai Seehamat College of Education, University of Payao
  • Ketsaraphan Punsriket Khongjaroen College of Education, University of Payao


approach, English, Content and Language Integration


The purposes of this article are to synthesize the knowledge and to present the idea based on Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach or CLIL with the teachers of English and those who teach contents in courses using English as the medium to learn the language naturally such as Sciences, Mathematics, Health education, Geography and Arts. Furthermore, this article also present the components of 4Cs of CLIL including Content, Cognition, Communication and Culture, the proportion of learning management (Hard CLIL or Soft CLIL), the benefits of CLIL, teachers and students’ roles, evaluation and assessment. In addition, this article has presented the examples of Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach used in many countries that we can apply for English teaching and learning in the future.


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How to Cite

Khamngoen, S. ., Seehamat, L. ., & Punsriket Khongjaroen, K. . (2020). The knowledge synthesis of English Teaching Based on Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach (CLIL). Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(1), 249–260. retrieved from



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