The Development of Learning Achievement on the Topic of Law and Living and Critical Problem-Solving Ability, for the Ninth Grade Students Using Active Activity


  • ผกาวัลย์ นามนัย 0883015629
  • มนตรี วงษ์สะพาน Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University


active activity, critical problem-solving ability, The Development of Learning Achievement


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop learning achievement in social studies of the ninth grade students taught by using active activity on the topic of Law and Living with the 75-percent-criteria, and 2) to develop the critical problem-solving ability of the ninth grade students taught by using active activity with the 75-percent-criteria. The sample was the 3/6 classroom of 43 ninth grade students, Selaphumpittayakom School, Selaphum District, Roi-Et Province selected by the purposive sampling. There were 2 cycles in this action research. This research employed 4 instruments; 1) the 16-hour lesson plans, 2) a learning achievement test, 3) a critical problem-solving ability test, and 4) a learning behavior observation form. The statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results show that all the 43 ninth grade students could pass the learning achievement criteria at the end of the 2nd circle when they were taught on the topic of Law and Living by using active learning with the average score of the learning achievement at 24.37 or 81.24 percent which passed the 75-percent-criteria. The critical problem-solving ability average score measured from the test was 40.12 or 80.23 percent and from the behavior observation, all students can pass the criteria.


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How to Cite

นามนัย ผ., & วงษ์สะพาน ม. (2019). The Development of Learning Achievement on the Topic of Law and Living and Critical Problem-Solving Ability, for the Ninth Grade Students Using Active Activity. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(3), 115–127. retrieved from



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