Strategic Leadership : Technology Management


  • Buachomphu Phukongchai Sakonnakhon Rajabhat University
  • Waro Phengsawat Sakonnakhon Rajabhat University


The leadership, Strategic leadership, Technology management


The important factor in the successful organization management is administrators or leaders, which affects working behavior of subordinates in the organization. Administrators have to learn for changing and be leaders with good characteristics and abilities, intelligence, knowledge, and research. These are to improve the quality and performance of the organization to be efficient and effective. The right leadership that is suitable for the organization's management is the most important. The content of this article discusses about strategic leadership on technology management, which creates understanding and basis that helps to study the patterns and approaches for applying technology strategies in the organization. These consist of strategic management processes, strategic leadership patterns, the practice of strategic leaders, the systematization of an overview of strategic concepts in technology management, strategies for technology and innovation management, tools for technology strategies development in organization. The strategies for technology management can increase efficient innovations and create an advantage technology to become an excellent organization.


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How to Cite

Phukongchai, B. ., & Phengsawat, W. . (2020). Strategic Leadership : Technology Management . Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(3), 237–244. retrieved from



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