Action Research Report for Solving Reading Problems of Grade 1


  • นิภาพร โพธิราช Faculty of Education Rajabhat Maha sarakham University
  • อรัญ ซุยกระเดื่อง Faculty of Education Rajabhat Maha sarakham University
  • อาทิตย์ อาจหาญ Faculty of Education Rajabhat Maha sarakham University


Action Research, Learning Management Plans, Reading


This research aimed at solving the reading problems of grade 1 students at the Phubodinnukul School during the 1st semester of the 2018 academic year. The sample group consisted of 44 first grade students. Research instruments were: 1) seven learning management plans; 2) seven sets of exercises for solving the reading problems of grade 1 students; and 3) a 30-item reading test. The statistics used for data analysis included percentages, means, and standard deviations. The results revealed the following: firstly, based on the results of solving student reading problems in the first round, some students were unable to read words because they lacked reading skills. Their test results from the reading test did not pass the criteria. Therefore, the results from the 1st round were used to improve the learning management plans, which resulted in those students could pass the criteria. Secondly, based on the reading performance of the 1st grade students for the 1st round, the students obtained an average score of 24.26 out of 30 points, which represented 80.86 percent, with a standard deviation of 1.19. In addition, there were 32 students who passed with 80 percent of the criteria, representing 72.73 percent. However, based on the 2nd round for 12 students who did not pass the criteria on the 1st round, their average score of the reading ability test was 24.67 out of 30 points, which represented 82.22 percent. The standard deviation was 0.50. For this 2nd round, the number of students who passed 80 percent of the criteria, was 12, representing 100 percent.


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How to Cite

โพธิราช น., ซุยกระเดื่อง อ., & อาจหาญ อ. (2019). Action Research Report for Solving Reading Problems of Grade 1. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(3), 196–204. retrieved from



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