Comparative study on interrogative usage of Chinese and Thai interrogative pronoun “SHENME” and “A-RAI”


  • ขวัญดาว มาอยู่ Lecturer of Chinese Language, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University


interrogative usage, interrogative pronoun, A-RAI


“SHENME” is the Chinese interrogative pronoun. The “SHENME” correspond to Thai interrogative corresponding "A-RAI". The linguistic system of Chinese and Thai, which are basically used to people, animals, places, time, causes, conditions, objectives, and methods, etc. Although Thai and Chinese belong to the same language family, Han-Tibetan family. However, Thai and Chinese, depending on the nature of the language, have different grammatical rules. So, the “SHENME” and "A-RAI" have grammatical rules. According to the Interpretation and usage patterns of them, which have similarities and differences. So, Writer investigates and compares to the interrogative usage of “SHENME” and "A-RAI" to study interrogative by using a method. By indicating the differences and similarities, it will be beneficial for Thai learners studying Chinese and the Chinese person who learn Thai.


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How to Cite

มาอยู่ ข. (2019). Comparative study on interrogative usage of Chinese and Thai interrogative pronoun “SHENME” and “A-RAI”. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(1), 241–251. retrieved from



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