The Development Strategic Tourism Business in Udonthani Province To Enhance Competitive Advantage


  • ศราวุธ ผิวแดง Graduate Student, Doctor of Philosophy Program in Tourism University of Phayao
  • เสรี วงษ์มณฑา Associate Professor Dr. of Philosophy Program in Tourism University of Phayao
  • ชวลีย์ ณ ถลาง Associate Professor of Philosophy Program in Tourism University of Phayao
  • สืบชาติ อันทะไชย Associate Professor Dr. of Marketing Program Udon Thani Rajabhat University


Tourism business, Competitive advantages, Strategic tourism business


This research aimed to develop tourism business strategies in Udon Thani to enhance competitive advantages. The samples were 400 tourists visiting Udon Thani. The research Instrument was a five-point scale questionnaire on opinions about tourism marketing in order to provide guidelines and develop tourism business strategies in Udon Thani. The data were analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis. The findings reveal 10 essential elements and 60 indicators of tourism business as followed: 1) place/process of delivery; 2) people; 3) product; 4) marketing promotion; 5) physical environment; 6) partnership/participation; 7) public policy; 8) package; 9) price; and 10) travel seasons. The total variance explained to indicators is at 51.32%. The findings could be used by the province of Udon Thani, as well as private and government sectors to formulate strategies or plans to enhance competitive advantages of tourism business sectors. Education institutions could utilize the results in conducting further research or in teaching and learning.


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How to Cite

ผิวแดง ศ., วงษ์มณฑา เ., ณ ถลาง ช., & อันทะไชย ส. (2019). The Development Strategic Tourism Business in Udonthani Province To Enhance Competitive Advantage. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(1), 195–205. Retrieved from



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