Guidelines for the Development of Parents’ Satisfaction toward School Administration in Anuban Chuleeporn, The Office of Kalasin Primary Education Area 2.


  • ชุลีพร บุตรพรม Graduate Student, Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education Rajabhat Mahasarakham University
  • จำเนียร พลหาญ Assistant Professor Dr. of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education Rajabhat Mahasarakham University
  • สมบัติ ฤทธิเดช Assistant Professor Dr. of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education Rajabhat Mahasarakham University


Guidelines for the development, Parent’s satisfaction, Management


The purposes of this research were to: 1) study of parents' satisfaction toward school administration; 2) compare parents' satisfaction toward school administration in the factors of parental occupations, educational levels and student levels; 3) study the guidelines for the development of parents’ satisfaction toward school administration in Anuban Chuleporn. The population of the study was 1,073 people. The sample comprised 285 parents. The instruments used in the research were the questionnaire and the interview. The statistics used consisted of percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Scheffe’s method. The research results were: 1) parents’ satisfaction towards the school administration as a whole and in individual aspects (academic management, general administration, human resource management and budget management) were at high level; 2) based on parents educational levels, parents' satisfaction towards the school administration in the aspect of human resource management was statistically different at .05. In the factor of parental occupations, parents' satisfaction towards the school administration in all aspects was statistically different at .05. In the factor of student levels, parents' satisfaction towards the school administration in the aspect of human resource management was statistically different at .05; 3) guidelines for the development of parents’ satisfaction toward the school administration were as follow: The school should have activities to allow parents to participate in the school administration. The school should organize the system to be more efficient. The school should have a yearly plan. The school should promote home visiting students and have regular meetings between parents and school. The school should raise money to fund the educational system.


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How to Cite

บุตรพรม ช., พลหาญ จ., & ฤทธิเดช ส. (2019). Guidelines for the Development of Parents’ Satisfaction toward School Administration in Anuban Chuleeporn, The Office of Kalasin Primary Education Area 2. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(1), 185–194. retrieved from



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