Debt Status and Management of the Members of Khon Kaen Teacher Saving Cooperative Limited


  • จักรพงษ์ ช่างเหลา Student, Public Administration In Local Government ,College Of Local Administration Khon Kaen University
  • ประชาสรรค์ แสนภักดี College Of Local Administration Khon Kaen University


debt status and management, saving cooperative, loan application plan


This research aims to study basic information and debt information, management approach and how to solve problems caused by the debt of the members of Khon Kaen Teachers Saving Cooperative Limited. Data obtained from The questionnaires were responded to by 391 members of Khon Kaen Teachers Saving Cooperative Limited by means of multi-step sampling and statistical data analysis is used were the frequency and percentage. The research found that 1) Most members are female, aged between 50-59 years, married, being educated with bachelor's degree, working ascivil servants with tenure of 20 years and over, having monthly incomes over 40,001 Baht, extra incomes not more than 10,000 Baht, having spent most money on their daily life; having 5 household members with the total monthly incomes of more than 70,000 Baht to share the burden among the family members, being the cooperatives members for 16 years and over, subscribing ordinary loan service under the ceiling of 1,000,001–2,000,000 Baht, servicing debt payment of 10,001–20,000 Baht per month, having other members acted as the loan guarantors, most having never defaulted on debt payments. 2) For the loan application plan members are of the opinion that prior to the decision to borrow the money, the objectives are already predetermined, for solving debt problems members are of the opinion that there must be a plan for spending and earning extra income. 3) For the solution of debt problems it found that must adopt the solutions of strengthening financial discipline of the members, earning extra incomes, demanding the cooperatives to reduce the loan interests or restructuring debt as it deems proper.


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How to Cite

ช่างเหลา จ., & แสนภักดี ป. (2019). Debt Status and Management of the Members of Khon Kaen Teacher Saving Cooperative Limited. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(1), 174–184. Retrieved from



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