The Development of a Program to Enhance Physical Education Teacher in Learning Process by Using Games for Schools under the Office of Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area 2


  • วิชัย ประมูลจักโก Graduate Student, Department of Educational Administration and Development, Mahasarakham University
  • เผชิญ กิจระการ Lecturer of Education Faculty, Mahasarakham University


Teacher Development Program, Physical Education Learning Process, Physical Games


This research aimed to 1) investigate the indicators of components of physical education learning process by using games, 2) study the current state and desirable state of physical education learning process by using games, 3) to study method for development teacher in physical education learning process by using games, 4) develop the program to enhance teachers. This research has 4 phases: 1) investigate the indicators and the components used the suitability assessment form assessed by 5 luminaries, 2) study the current state and desirable state used the current state form (discriminative power (rxy) 0.414 - 0.894 and reliability () 0.977) and desirable state form (discriminative power (rxy) 0.312-0.834 and reliability () 0.968), the samples were 230 physical teachers, 3) study method for development teacher used interview form, 9 keys informant were administrators and physical teachers of best practice schools, and 4) develop the program used suitability and possibility assessment form accessed by 5 luminaries. The descriptive statistics used in this research were average, standard deviation, and the piority need index (PNImodified). The research results were: The indicators of components of physical education learning process by using games including 12 components 45 indicators, the current conditions at the moderate level and the desirable conditions at the high level; the methods for teacher development applied to enhance the teacher program were training, practice, applied experiment, knowledge exchange and supervision on physical education learning process by using games; regarding the development to enhance teachers in physical education learning process by using games for schools under the office of Mahasarakham primary educational service area 2 program, the components of program were content, name of program, target, time to use, objective, plan/activity and program method/program media/program assessment, the luminaries were assessment program suitability and program possibility both at high levels.


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How to Cite

ประมูลจักโก ว., & กิจระการ เ. (2019). The Development of a Program to Enhance Physical Education Teacher in Learning Process by Using Games for Schools under the Office of Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area 2. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(1), 121–137. retrieved from



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