Information Database of Mae Lai Pha Saew Phu Thai in Savannakhet Province of the Lao People's Democratic Republic


  • ลัดดาวัน เนานาดี Graduate Student, of the Information Science and Technology at Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • จำนง วงษ์ชาชม Associate Professor, lecturer of the Information Science and Technology at Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • สุชานาถ สิงหาปัด Lecturer of the Innovation for Development Faculty of Liberal Arts Kalasin University


Information Database of Mae Lai Pha Saew Phu Thai, Informatic System, Savannakhet Province


The purpose of this research was to develop an information database of silk fabric which is called Mae Lai Pha Saew Phu Thai in Savannakhet Province, the Lao People's Democratic Republic. The developed information database would benefit as a source of local wisdom learning, conserving, and disseminating. The population of the research was 50-80 year-old Phu Thai women living in Ban Lahanam in Muong Song Khone and Ban Mouang Jan in Xepon, Savannakhet Province. Purposive sampling was administered to draw 30 samples. The research instruments for data collection were an interview form, group discussion, and a questionnaire whereas the statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation The research findings showed that: 1) Pha Saew is a small white rectangular fabric weaved among the Phu Thai people. It is an original textile of the people, who collected various patterns and presented them on the cloth. The patterns that appear on the cloth are divided into 4 types; plants, animals, utensils, and others. 2) The analysis of the data structures for system analysis of the database was done through data flow and the system development life cycle (SDLC). 3) The result of the development of the information database was that it built a body of knowledge of Pha Saew. It was a prototype for further databases for local wisdom conservation on native fabric.


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How to Cite

เนานาดี ล., วงษ์ชาชม จ., & สิงหาปัด ส. (2019). Information Database of Mae Lai Pha Saew Phu Thai in Savannakhet Province of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(1), 79–88. retrieved from



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