Management Process of Khuanru Civic Council, Rattaphum District, Songkhla Province Based on Democratic Community


  • อัศว์ศิริ ลาปีอี
  • ภาณุ ธรรมสุวรรณ Humanities and Social Sciences, Thaksin University


การบริหารจัดการ, ประชาธิปไตยชุมชน, สภาพลเมืองตำบลควนรู, Management Process, Cemocratic Community, Khuanru Civic Council


This research aimed to study management process of civic council in terms of area based on Khuanru Council, Rattaphum District, Songkhla Province and to study the supplementary factors of success by democratic community applied to development potentiality of Khuanru civic council. The qualitative research method used included documents and in-depth interview.  The samples were 27 members  This research aimed to study management process of civic council in terms of area based on Khuanru Council, Rattaphum District, Songkhla Province and to study the supplementary factors of success by democratic community applied to development potentiality of Khuanru civic council. The qualitative research method used included documents and in-depth interview.  The samples were 27 members of local government, members of community organization councils and sub-district and head villagers. The obtained were analyzed through content analysis technique and spatial context. The result found management of Khuanru civic council was operated by self-organization on “8 system and 30 learning center”. In addition, Khuanru civic council network has a relationship with 3 political solidarity from local government organization, provincial administration and community organization council. In the meantime the citizenship was related to creative mechanism to Khuanru citizenship consistent with democratic ideology at the level of self management and communitarianism.

Author Biography

อัศว์ศิริ ลาปีอี

This research aimed to study management process of civic council in terms of area based on Khuanru Council, Rattaphum District, Songkhla Province and to study the supplementary factors of success by democratic community applied to development potentiality of Khuanru civic council. The qualitative research method used included documents and in-depth interview. The samples were 27 members of local government, members of community organization councils and sub-district and head villagers. The obtained were analyzed through content analysis technique and spatial context. The result found management of Khuanru civic council was operated by self-organization on “8 system and 30 learning center”. In addition, Khuanru civic council network has a relationship with 3 political solidarity from local government organization, provincial administration and community organization council. In the meantime the citizenship was related to creative mechanism to Khuanru citizenship consistent with democratic ideology at the level of self management and communitarianism.


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How to Cite

ลาปีอี อ., & ธรรมสุวรรณ ภ. (2019). Management Process of Khuanru Civic Council, Rattaphum District, Songkhla Province Based on Democratic Community. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(1), 111–120. retrieved from



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