A Developing of Area-Based Learning Reform towards Students Mechanical System


  • แสงรุนีย์ มีพร Amnatcharoen Primary Educational Service Area Office


Mechanical system, Learning reform, Area-based


This research was an action research. The purpose of this research was to 1) develop an area-based learning reform towards students mechanical system and 2) assess an area-based learning reform towards students mechanical system. The target group consisted of 18 primary and lower secondary teachers in Ban Khamphra School under the Office of Amnatcharoen Primary Educational Service Area in the academic year 2015. The instruments were 1) practicing instruments which consisted of an area-based learning reform towards students mechanical system guideline and an Active Learning supervision, monitoring and assessment plan and 2) reflection instruments which consisted of integrated subject structure, integrated learning  This research was an action research. The purpose of this research was to 1) develop an area-based learning reform towards students mechanical system and 2) assess an area-based learning reform towards students mechanical system. The target group consisted of 18 primary and lower secondary teachers in Ban Khamphra School under the Office of Amnatcharoen Primary Educational Service Area in the academic year 2015. The instruments were 1) practicing instruments which consisted of an area-based learning reform towards students mechanical system guideline and an Active Learning supervision, monitoring and assessment plan and 2) reflection instruments which consisted of integrated subject structure, integrated learning unit design and integrated lessen plan evaluation forms, teaching observation form, After Action Review note form and interview form. The obtained data were then calculated and analyzed by using percentage and mean.  The finding of this research were as follows:              1) The area-based learning reform towards students mechanical system was systematic continuous practicing step by step in each spiral beginning from the school coach makes a supervision  plan and instruments. Then the school coach makes an agreement with the teachers and the principal. After that the teachers practice teaching while the school coach joining supervision with the principal. Next the teachers practice teaching while only the principal helps supervising and supporting them. When the teachers have been teaching for a while, the principal sets  an After Action Review (AAR) for the teachers while the school coach taking observation. Last the teachers practice teaching while the school coach joining supervision with the principal. 2) Making integrated subject structures, designing integrated learning units and making integrated lessen plans of the teachers in total were at the highest level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.77). 3) Active Learning teaching behaviors of the teachers in total were at the highest level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.77).


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How to Cite

มีพร แ. (2019). A Developing of Area-Based Learning Reform towards Students Mechanical System. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(1), 99–110. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/185996



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