The Development of a Training Program to Enhance Leadership in the 21st Century for Student Council


  • ศุภชัย สุการะกิจ Master student discipline Research and Evaluation Faculty of Education Rajabhat Maha sarakham University
  • ไพศาล วรคำ Faculty of Education Rajabhat Maha sarakham University
  • อัจฉริยา พรมท้าว Faculty of Education Rajabhat Maha sarakham University


The Training Program, Leadership Skills in the 21st Century, The Student Council


The purposes of this study were to 1) study guidelines to strengthen leadership in the 21st century for the student council, 2) develop training programs to strengthen leadership in the 21st century for the student council, 3) study results of using the training programs to strengthen leadership in the 21st century for the student council and 4) evaluate the satisfaction of using the training programs to strengthen leadership in the 21st century for the student council. The target group included 40 students of the student council at Dindamwangchaiwittaya school in 2018 academy year. Samples were selected by using purposive sampling. Research tools included a training program, a skills observation form and a satisfaction evaluation form. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test (One Group Pretest Posttest Design). Results of the research were as follows:  The purposes of this study were to 1) study guidelines to strengthen leadership in the 21st century for the student council, 2) develop training programs to strengthen leadership in the 21st century for the student council, 3) study results of using the training programs to strengthen leadership in the 21st century for the student council and 4) evaluate the satisfaction of using the training programs to strengthen leadership in the 21st century for the student council. The target group included 40 students of the student council at Dindamwangchaiwittaya school in 2018 academy year. Samples were selected by using purposive sampling. Research tools included a training program, a skills observation form and a satisfaction evaluation form. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test (One Group Pretest Posttest Design). Results of the research were as follows:   1) The important guidelines to strengthen the leadership were skills development about knowledge and ability to work, responsibility in work and human relations in work. 2) The effectiveness of training programs to strengthen the leadership in the century Council 21 for students, as 84.62 / 90.67. 3) Leadership of student council committees who attended leadership skills in the 21st century training, after the training had leadership higher than before attending the training with statistical significance at .05 level. And 4) Satisfaction to the training program of student council committees who attended the training to enhance leadership in the 21st century in overall were at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{X} = 4.67, S.D. = 0.12).


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How to Cite

สุการะกิจ ศ., วรคำ ไ., & พรมท้าว อ. (2019). The Development of a Training Program to Enhance Leadership in the 21st Century for Student Council. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(1), 89–98. retrieved from



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