Effective Time Management of School Directors: Causal Factors


  • ศิริสุดา แก้วมณีชัย ครูชำนาญการ โรงเรียนเรณูนครวิทยานุกูล
  • วาโร เพ็งสวัสดิ์ Associate Professor Dr. Thesis advisors in Educational Administration and Development Faculty of Education Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


Effective Time Management, Causal Factors, School Directors


"Time" is a valuable and important resource for everyone, it is a limited resource and used up, can’t buy more. So, time is used carefully. Successful people can’t avoid time management. If the school directors can manage their time incorporate with the school administration, they can improve the quality of education more effective. The aims of effective time management of the school directors are development and validation of the linear structural equation model of factors affecting an effective time management of school directors under the secondary educational service area office in the northeast developed with empirical data. The significant components comprise of the following factors 1) goal setting 2) priority setting 3) scheduling 4) time tracking 5) organizing and 6) work-life balance. On the other hand, the causal factors affecting an effective time management of school directors are 1) time management tools, which can be measured from using technology to management your time and reminder tools, 2) eliminate time waste, which can be measured from cause by yourself, cause by other people and cause by surrounding environment, 3) time management technique, which can be measured from delegating, habits management, waiting time management, collocation and positive attitude and 4) planning, which can be measured from preparation, operational planning, implement and evaluation.


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How to Cite

แก้วมณีชัย ศ., & เพ็งสวัสดิ์ ว. (2019). Effective Time Management of School Directors: Causal Factors. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(2), 215–226. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/183862



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