The Development of Mathematics Learning Management Model for Sixth Grade Students in Schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • ลัดดาวรรณ ว่องไว Faculty of Education, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • วันเพ็ญ นันทะศรี Faculty of Education, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • วาโร เพ็งสวัสดิ์ Faculty of Education, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


Model development, Learning management, Mathematics learning management model


This study aimed to develop and assess the effectiveness of mathematics learning management model for 6th grade students. There were 2 phases in this study. The first phase was the development of mathematics learning management model while the second phase was effectiveness assessment of the mathematics learning management model. The sample group consisted of 30 sixth grade students in the academic year 2017, selected through purposive sampling. The research tools employed in this study were 1) mathematics achievement test; 2) a test on mathematical process skills in problem solving; and 3) a satisfaction questionnaire of mathematics learning, which was 5-level rating scale. Statistics used for data analysis consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test for dependent samples. The findings are as follows. 1) The developed mathematics learning management model was effective at a high level. The model comprises 2 components, which were 1.1) the process; consisted of contents and procedure used in learning management, and 1.2) outcomes; this consisted of knowledge and understanding of students in mathematics learning. Students gain mathematical process skills and students are satisfied with mathematics learning. 2) The efficiency assessment of the developed mathematics learning management model, it was found that 2.1) mathematical knowledge and understanding of students after implementation of the model was higher than before the implementation at a statistical significance at .05 level; 2.2) the study of mathematical process skills, it was found that the mathematical process skills of students was at a high level, and 2.3) students’ satisfaction toward mathematics learning management through the implementation of developed model, it was found that students’ satisfaction was at a high level.


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How to Cite

ว่องไว ล., นันทะศรี ว., & เพ็งสวัสดิ์ ว. (2019). The Development of Mathematics Learning Management Model for Sixth Grade Students in Schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(3), 29–36. retrieved from



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