Development of Quality Culture Indicators of Secondary Schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission


  • เชี่ยวชาญ ภาระวงค์
  • วาโร เพ็งสวัสดิ์
  • จำนง วงษ์ชาชม
  • พรเทพ เสถียรนพเก้า


Indicator, Quality culture


The objectives of this study were to develop quality culture indicators of secondary schools under the Office of the basic Education Commission and to examine the goodness-of-fit of the confirmatory factor analysis model of quality culture indicators of secondary schools under the Office of the basic Education Commission with the empirical data. The study was conducted in 3 phases. Research conceptual framework was constructed in Phase 1 by the analysis of related documents and studies, as well as interviewing 5 academic experts. Phase 2 was the development of the quality culture indicators by enquiring 21 experts for 3 rounds, using Modified Delphi Technique. Goodness-of-fit test of the quality culture indicators of quality culture indicators of schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission structural model with the empirical data was executed in Phase 3. The subjects were 693directors and teachers in World- Class Standard School, selected through stratified random sampling. Research tool used was 5 level rating scale questionnaire. The data was then analysed to find the basic statistics. LISREL program was employed to analyse the confirmatory factors.
The study results could be concluded as follows: 1. Quality culture indicators of secondary schools under the Office of the basic Education Commission comprised of 8 major components, 31 minor components and 123 indicators. They
could be further classified as follows: 17 indicatorson Quality Leadership,16 indicators on teachers and education personnel, 22 indicators on quality student, 14 indicators on strategy of quality improvement, 14 indicators on continuous quality improvement, 9 indicators on quality team, 19 indicators on quality system, 21 indicators on quality outcomes 2. Confirmatory factors analysis model of quality culture indicators of secondary schools under the Office of the basic Education Commission has goodness-of-fit with the empirical data (Chi-Square= 48.53 df=49 p=0.49394 GFI=0.97 AGFI=0.94 RMSEA=0.000 CN=827.92). The factor loading of each component could be sorted in descending order as follows : outcomes of quality (1.00) quality system (0.96) team quality (0.59) quality of student (0.22) continuous quality improvement (0.14) quality Leadership (0.03) quality of teacher (0.03) and quality of strategy (0.02)


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How to Cite

ภาระวงค์ เ., เพ็งสวัสดิ์ ว., วงษ์ชาชม จ., & เสถียรนพเก้า พ. (2017). Development of Quality Culture Indicators of Secondary Schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 206–214. retrieved from



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