Needs Assessment of Environment for Electronic Local Administrative Accounting System (E-LAAS) in Roi Et Province


  • นัฐภัสสร จันทระ
  • ไพศาล แน่นอุดร
  • จุรีวัลย์ ภักดีวุฒิ


Needs, Assessment, Electronic Local Administrative Accounting Systems(E-LAAS)


The objectives of this research were to assess the needs of environment for Electronic Local Administrative Accounting System (E-LAAS) in Roi Et Province. The sample group was 242 staff of Sub district Administrative Organization operating E-LAAS in Roi Et Province selected by simple random sampling. Rating scale questionnaire with the reliability of 0.89 regarding needs assessment of E-LAAS in Roi Et Province was used as a research instrument. The statistic used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation and Modified Priority Need Index (PIN modified). Findings revealed that: 1. The overall result of needs assessment of environment for E-LAAS in Roi Et Province showed that the priority needs index (PNI) was 0.25. The administrative policies had the highest PNI (0.31), followed by technology (0.30), procedure manual (0.23), staff (0.23) and software (0.19) respectively. 2. Results of needs assessment of environment for E-LAAS in Roi Et Province in each aspect sorting by PNI were as follows: 2.1 Regarding administrative policies, E-LAAS performance monitoring and evaluation had the highest PNI among staff working with e- LAAS (0.40), followed by the support of advance
and efficient technology implementation to E-LAAS (0.35), the support of human resource development to enhance work performance of E-LAAS (0.31), budgeting for E-LAAS (0.28) and sufficient staff allocation for E-LAAS (0.24) respectively.
2.2 Regarding technology, the internet speed in the organization had the highest PNI among staff working with e-LAAS (0.43), followed by materials and computer/internet equipment efficiency (0.34), the consistency of internet network stability (0.32), sufficiency of computer equipment (0.27) and processing E-LAAS speed (0.18) respectively. 2.3 Regarding procedure manual, the clearness and accuracy of manual had the highest PNI among staff working with e-LAAS (0.29), followed by the continuity and clarity of manual sequence/step (0.28), the operator’s requirement on manual (0.21), the up-to-date information (0.19) and the applicable and practical knowledge (0.18) respectively. 2.4 Regarding staff, the knowledge and capability of staff to work through the entire process had the highest PNI among staff working with e-LAAS (0.45), followed by the understanding of E-LAAS process (0.29), the understanding of using computer and programs (0.22), the sufficiency of staff for E-LAAS (0.20) and the understanding of materials, finance and accounting, revenue collecting and budget (0.02) respectively. 2.5 Regarding software, the simplicity of E-LAAS program had the highest PNI among
staff working with e-LAAS (0.27), followed by the usefulness of E-LAAS for the accurate and fast performance (0.23), the complete link of E-LAAS for the accurate and fast accounting system (0.17), the sufficient support to local administrative (0.16) and the constant up-to-date program (0.15)


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บริหารส่วนตำบลบ้านไร่ อำเภอลาดยาว จังหวัดนครสวรรค์. วิทยานิพนธ์ รป.ม. (การปกครองท้องถิ่น). ขอนแก่น :

นิกร อินทะจักร. (2553). การวิเคราะห์ปัญหาการนาระบบ E-LAAS ไปใช้ในการจัดทำเทศบัญญัติงบประมาณรายจ่าย
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How to Cite

จันทระ น., แน่นอุดร ไ., & ภักดีวุฒิ จ. (2017). Needs Assessment of Environment for Electronic Local Administrative Accounting System (E-LAAS) in Roi Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 177–186. retrieved from



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