The Registration and Evaluation Development in Institute of Physical Education Mahasarakham Campus : Empowerment Evaluation


  • สุรีย์พร พลเรืองทอง
  • อรนุช ศรีสะอาด


Registration and Evaluation, Empowerment Evaluation


This research aimed to 1) study the problems in developing the registration and evaluation section, 2) develop the registration and evaluation section through the empowerment evaluation, 3) compare the result of the development of registration and evaluation section by the section staff between before and after the implementation of the empowerment evaluation, 4) study the satisfaction toward the registration and evaluation section, the institute of
physical education, Mahasarakham campus. The target group was Mahasarakham campus as the case study. The research instruments were the test on the development of registration and evaluation section,
the observation forms on workshop, structured interview, a questionnaire concerning satisfaction with the reliability of 0.88. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The findings revealed as follows:1. According to the interview of stakeholders, problems in developing the physical education Mahasarakham campus were, the staffs involved in developing the registration and evaluation section
lacked of knowledge and understanding in the enrollment through E-education program and lacked of the knowledge and the understanding of learning evaluation through E-education program. 2. According to the development of the
registration and evaluation section, The Institute of physical education, Mahasarakham campus, through the empower evaluation from activity 1 enrollment system and activity 2 learning evaluation system through brainstorming and workshop. 3. According to the comparison, the development on registration and evaluation section after the implementation of activity 1 and 2 through the empower evaluation was higher than those of before statistically significance at the 0.01 level. 4. According to the satisfaction toward the performance of the registration and evaluation section, the institute of physical education, Mahasarakham campus, the total satisfaction was much level.


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How to Cite

พลเรืองทอง ส., & ศรีสะอาด อ. (2017). The Registration and Evaluation Development in Institute of Physical Education Mahasarakham Campus : Empowerment Evaluation. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 223–231. retrieved from



Research Articles