An Evaluation of the Usage of Books in Academic Resources Center at Roi Et Rajabhat University


  • แสงจันทร์ จันทร์โท
  • กันยารัตน์ เควียเซ่น


Information Resources, An Evaluation of books Usesing, Roi-Et Rajabath University


This study aimed to investigate the usage of books at the Academic Resources Center, Roi -et Rajabhat University. Data was collected regarding the average number of book usages during January – December 2016 both inside and outside the Academic Resources Center. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage. The results of this research revealed that 1) there were 41,284 books in Academic Resources Center at Roi et Rajabhat University. 26,593 titles were used inside the Academic Resources Center and were chested out. 14,691 titles were never used. The books in class 400 (Languages) were used at the highest level. 2) the evaluation revealed that 6 classes of books were overused and 4 classes were underused.
Only the books in class 300 (Social science) had the value of book evaluation was close to level 1.


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How to Cite

จันทร์โท แ., & เควียเซ่น ก. (2017). An Evaluation of the Usage of Books in Academic Resources Center at Roi Et Rajabhat University. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 166–169. retrieved from



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