A Structural Equation Model of Factors Affecting Organizational Loyalty of Lecturer’s in Rajabhat Universities


  • ภัทรวรรณ คำแปล
  • เฉลย ภูมิพันธุ์
  • เกรียงศักดิ์ ศรีสมบัติ


organizational Loyalty, organizational Justice, job satisfaction


The study was to develop a linear structural equation model of factors affecting organizational loyalty of lecturers in Rajabhat universities in Thailand and to confirm a structural equation model of those factors with empirical data from survey research. The research sample consisted of 601 lecturers in Rajabhat universities in Thailand. The sampling method was the multi-stage random sampling, using questionnaires and construct hypothesis model based on variables
from a review of theories and researches. The hypothesis model has 1 exogenous latent variable: organizational loyalty and 3 endogenous latent variables: organizational justice, job satisfaction, and organizational image. The collected data was analyzed with a packaged program to obtain basic statistics of mean (X ), standard deviations (S.D.), Chi-square (gif.latex?X^2{}), F-test and Pearson’s product moment coefficients. The packaged program was further employed to construct the linear structural equation model and confirmation factor analysis. The research findings were as follows: 1. The sample of lecturers in Rajabhat universities had organizational loyalty at a high level on average with organizational loyalty (gif.latex?\bar{X} =4.29),
behavior (gif.latex?\bar{X} =4.26),normalization(gif.latex?\bar{X} =4.21), affective factors (gif.latex?\bar{X} =4.16) and persistence (gif.latex?\bar{X} =4.12), respectively. When organizational loyalty of the sample were classified by size, Findings indicated thatsample groups working in Rajabhat universities with different sizes had different organizational loyalty. 2. The factors that had direct, indirect and total effect towards organizational loyalty of lecturers in a Rajabhat university by decreasing the order of standardized path coefficients were Direct Effect, Indirect Effect, and Total Effect: (1) Direct Effect : The factors which had the highest direct effect on organizational loyalty of lecturers was organizational image, which had standardized path coefficients
of .858, followed by job satisfaction with the coefficient of .956. Organizational justice had an indirect effect on job satisfaction and organizational image. (2) Indirect effect factors on organizational imagehad a standard path coefficient of .122, followed by job satisfaction, which had a standard path coefficient of .050, and an indirect effect on organizational loyalty with a standard path coefficient of .577. (3) Total Effect: The factor having the highest total effect on organizational loyalty of lecturers was organizational justice,followed by organizational image and job satisfaction which had a standard path coefficient of .346. The R-square of structural equation model of factors affecting organizational loyalty of lecturers
in Rajabhat universities can explain the variances of organizational loyalty with the prediction power of 47 percent 3. A structural equation model of factors affecting organizational loyalty of lecturers in Rajabhat universities was designed by the researcher to fit the empirical data. The final model showed that the fitness between the data and model indices were as follows:  

gif.latex?X^2{} = 97.650,
df = 80, gif.latex?X^2{}  / df = 1.22 p-value =0.0875 CFI =
0.994, TLI = 0.988 RMSEA = 0.019, SRMR = 0.028 


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How to Cite

คำแปล ภ., ภูมิพันธุ์ เ., & ศรีสมบัติ เ. (2017). A Structural Equation Model of Factors Affecting Organizational Loyalty of Lecturer’s in Rajabhat Universities. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 232–243. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/176533



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