The Relationship between Human Resources Development and the Effectiveness in the Management on Corporate Social Responsibility of Banks for Agriculture and Cooperatives in Roi Et Province


  • อัมรินทร์ พลเยี่ยม
  • สุรศักดิ์ ชะมารัมย์
  • จิรายุ ทรัพย์สิน
  • วันชัย สุขตาม


Human Resources Development, Corporate Social Responsibility


This survey research aimed at 1) studying the level of the effectiveness in the management on corporate social responsibility; 2) studying the level of human resources development; 3) studying the relationship between human resources development and the effectiveness in the management on corporate social responsibility, and 4) studying strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of the management on corporate social responsibility of Banks for Agriculture and Cooperatives in Roi Et Province. The sample used in the research was 219 officers of Banks for Agriculture and Cooperatives in Roi Et Province which calculated by Taro Yamane’s formula at the confident level at 95%. The instrument used in the research was a questionnaire. The statistics employed in this study were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, One Sample t-test, Pearson Product Moment Correlation and SWOT analysis to analyze qualitative
data. The main research findings revealed that: 1. The level of effectiveness in the management on corporate social responsibility of Banks for Agriculture and Cooperatives in Roi Et Province was higher than 70% with the statistical significance level of .05. 2. The level of human resources development of Banks for Agriculture and Cooperatives in Roi Et Province was higher than 70% with the statistical significance level of .05. 3. The relationship between human resources development and the effectiveness in the management on corporate social responsibility of Banks for Agriculture and Cooperatives in Roi Et Province was positive at a high level (r= .74) which was statistically significant at the .01 level. 4. The strengths of the management on corporate social responsibility of Banks for Agriculture and Cooperatives in Roi Et Province were that the banks hahad branches covering and were able to carry out activities across all districts. The weakness was that the public relation did not cover all areas. The opportunity were activities were organized with the community at every opportunity and with the district branches in all districts, and were easily carried out. The threat was in accordance with the policies of the government and that the banks have excess workload and lack of personnel and practitioners in the right areas.


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How to Cite

พลเยี่ยม อ., ชะมารัมย์ ส., ทรัพย์สิน จ., & สุขตาม ว. (2017). The Relationship between Human Resources Development and the Effectiveness in the Management on Corporate Social Responsibility of Banks for Agriculture and Cooperatives in Roi Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 139–148. retrieved from



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