Prediction Model of Learning Style on Undergraduate Students by Data Mining Techniques


  • นงเยาว์ ในอรุณ


Learning Style, Data Mining, Artificial Neural Network


   This research aimed to study the VARK learning model and predict learning model of undergraduates using data mining techniques. The population in this study was regular undergraduate students of Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University. The sample was selected using a stratified random sampling, consisted of 1,635 students who were enrolled in the second semester of 2015. Fleming questionnaires were used to collect the research data. Four well known data mining techniques; Artificial Neural
Networks, Naïve Bayes, K–Nearest Neighbors and Decision Trees, were used to construct prediction, and compare performance. The results revealed that the best model with the highest accuracy was Artificial Neural Networks (96.263%), followed by the Decision Tree (94.523%), K–Nearest Neighbors (92.139%) and Naïve Bayes (91.688%), respectively. The results can be used to develop the most appropriate technique to effectively predict the learning of students according to aptitude and abilities.


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How to Cite

ในอรุณ น. (2016). Prediction Model of Learning Style on Undergraduate Students by Data Mining Techniques. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 10(2), 148–153. retrieved from



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