The Development of Information Technology Leadership Indications of School Administrators under The Basic Education Commission


  • สท้าน วารี


Leadership, Information Technology, Educational Manager


The purposes of this study were to develop the indicators and to test the theoretical model of the Information technology leadership indicators with the empirical data of school administrators under the Basic Education Commission. Four phases of study were : Phase1–formulating a conceptual framework through synthesis of documents, research, and interviews with 9 experts; Phase 2–developing indicators using Modified Delphi Technique with 19 experts; Phase 3 –
confirmatory test of Information technology leadership indicators of 520 school administrators under the Basic Education Commission against the empirical data. The findings were as follows: 1) information technology leadership indicators of school administrators under the Basic Education Commission consisted of 5 primary factors, 17 secondary factors, and 104 indicators. 2) Confirmatory factors analysis model of information technology leadership indicators of school administrators under the Basic Education Commission had goodness-of fit with the empirical data (chi-square = 83.12, df =70, P = 0.135, GFI = 0.98, AGFI = 0.99, RMSEA = 0.019, CN = 589.91). The factor loadings ranking from the highest to the lowest were : operational performance of information technology (0.99), the use of information technology in school administration (0.96), the ethical and legal practice in the use of information technology (0.93), the vision of information technology (0.93), and information technology usage to support teaching and learning (0.89).


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How to Cite

วารี ส. (2017). The Development of Information Technology Leadership Indications of School Administrators under The Basic Education Commission. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 120–129. retrieved from



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