Merit System in Personnel Administration of Sub–District Municipality in Roi–Et Province


  • ชัยชนะ ทองเจริญ
  • ไพศาล แน่นอุดร
  • กชพร นานาผล


Personnel, Merit system, Sub–District Municipality


The purpose of this research aimed to study and compare the merit system of Personnel Administration of Sub-District Municipality, Roi Et Province, which classified by types of political servants and servants, and sizes of
small and medium sub-district. The sample included 346 people that work as political servants and servants of Sub-District Municipality, Roi Et Province. All participants were selected by simple random sampling and defined
by Yamane formula. The instruments used for data collection were a checklist and five rating scale questionnaire with the reliability of 0.97. The results of the study indicated that; 1. The merit system of Personal Administration
of Sub-District Municipality, Roi Et Province overall was moderately in four main core themes. Descending order as follows; Equality, Stability, Capacities, and Political Neutrality.Comparative results of personnel administration in
the merit system of political servants and servants of Sub-District Municipality, Roi Et Province found that overall opinion of personal management in the merit system was no different. When consideringeach aspect, the study found that a core competence had the statistically significant difference in the level of .05. 2. The overall merit system of personal administration, which classified by size of small and medium sub-district was moderately in both dimensions. Comparative results of four main core subjects (Equality, Stability, Capacities, and Political Neutrality) which classified by size of small and medium subdistrict overall were no difference.


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How to Cite

ทองเจริญ ช., แน่นอุดร ไ., & นานาผล ก. (2017). Merit System in Personnel Administration of Sub–District Municipality in Roi–Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 244–252. retrieved from



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