Food Consumption Behaviors of Adolescents in Municipality and Muang Roi-Et District, Roi Et Province


  • ทิพย์ภารัตน์ ไชยชนะแสง


Food Consumption, Behavior Adolescent, Nutritional Status


The purposes of this quantitative researchwere to study 1) level of nutrition status, 2) foodconsumption behaviors, and 3) the relation betweenfactors and level of nutrition status of adolescentsin the area of Roi Et Municipality and Muang Roi-Et
District, Roi Et Province. The samples of this studyconsisted of 380 adolescents in the area of Roi EtMunicipality and Muang Roi-Et District, Roi Et Provinceaccording to R.V. Krejcie & D.W. Morgan table usingMulti-stage Random sampling. The instruments usedfor collecting data were the constructed questionnairewith the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.86. Statisticsused for data analysis included frequency, percentage,mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test.Results revealed as follows:1) There were 92.63% of the adolescentsin the area of Roi Et Municipality and Muang Roi-EtDistrict, Roi Et Province reached the normal levelof nutrition status regarding height for age. In termsof weight for age, it showed 91.31% of them reachedthe normal level of nutrition status. Also, 81.83%of them were found at the normal level of nutritionstatus regarding weight for height.2) In terms of food consumption behaviorsof the adolescents in the area of Roi Et Municipality
and Muang Roi-Et District, Roi Et Province, the averagemeans rated from the highest to the lowest were drinking 1-2 cups of milk per day, eating five food groups and eating tasteless food respectively.


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How to Cite

ไชยชนะแสง ท. (2017). Food Consumption Behaviors of Adolescents in Municipality and Muang Roi-Et District, Roi Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 109–112. retrieved from



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