The Development of Guidelines for the Prevention of Drugs in Schools under the Supervision of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29


  • ธันยวัตร แก้วสุข
  • สุทธิพงศ์ หกสุวรรณ


Guidelines, Prevention of Drugs, schools


  The objectives of this research were 1) to study elements and indicators of drug abuse prevention and resolution for schools under the supervision of the secondary educational service  area office 29, 2) to study current and desirable states of drug abuse prevention and resolution for schools under the supervision of the secondary educational service area office 29, 3) to develop guidelines for drug abuse prevention and resolution for schools under the supervision of the secondary educational service area office 29. The research consisted of three phases: the first phase was synthesis of elements and indicators of drug abuse prevention and resolution for schools. There were five key informants in this phase. The research instrument was assessment on elements and indicators of drug abuse prevention and resolution for schools. The second phase was the study of current and desirable state of drug abuse prevention and resolution for the schools. The sample consisted of 81 school administrators and 369 teachers (drug related teachers). The sample was selected through stratified random sampling based on Krejcie and Morgan’s table.The instrument was a questionnaire on current and desirable state of drug abuse prevention and resolution for the schools. The third phase was developing guidelines for drug abuse prevention and resolution for schools. There were 7 key informants. The research tool was an interview form. Data were described through percentage, mean and standard deviation.

  The results of this research showed as follows:

   1. There were 6 elements and 45 indicators of drug abuse prevention and resolution for schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29. Overall, the suitability of 6 elements and 45 indicators was at high level.

   2. Overall the sample rated the current state of drug abuse prevention and resolution for the schools under the supervision of the secondary educational service area office 29. When individual aspects were considered, all aspects were rated at high level, ordering highest to lowest mean score as follows: management, surveillance, and drug prevention campaign. Moreover, overall sample rated the desirable state of drug abuse prevention and resolution for the schools under the supervision of the secondary educational service area office 29 at highest level. When individual aspects were considered, all aspects were rated at highest level, ordering highest to lowest mean score as follows: drug abuse prevention and resolution, consultation, and surveillance. 

   3. There were six guidelines for drug abuse prevention and resolution for schools under the supervision of the secondary educational service area office 29; 1) drug abuse prevention and resolution contained eight items, 2) consultation contained four items, 3) educating and knowledge transfer contained seven items, 4) surveillance contained seven items, 5) consultation contained five items and 6) drug abuse prevention and resolution contained six items.



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How to Cite

แก้วสุข ธ., & หกสุวรรณ ส. (2016). The Development of Guidelines for the Prevention of Drugs in Schools under the Supervision of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 10(2), 107–116. retrieved from



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