Application of Competencies for Human Resources Development


  • ฉัตรณรงค์ศักดิ์ สุธรรมดี
  • จินตกานด์ สุธรรมดี


Competency, Human Resource Development


"Human" is seen as a valuable asset management in most organizations on the assumption that humans can add value to the organization through the recruitment, selection, development and human performance. Therefore, there are various more complex formats of development of human resources. The competency–based human resource development can be carried out through the following activities : 1) the recruitment and selection. 2) Preparation of
training routes. 3) Appraising performance 4) Preparation of a career path. 5) Individualized development 6) Migration 7) Dismissal and promotion. Therefore, classification and knowledge of the individually specified competencies for each position will assist organizational development easily and affordably. The competency–based human resource management model can incorporate the principles of quality management cycle well known as PDCA, applying
them into the planning of human resources, which must take into account the concept of performance (Competency) of each person, including the ability to track and evaluate the work, based on the concept of performance
(Competency). The result of the undertaking is brought about to improve the functioning of the organization toward further success.


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How to Cite

สุธรรมดี ฉ., & สุธรรมดี จ. (2017). Application of Competencies for Human Resources Development. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 262–269. retrieved from



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