An Analysis of Language Use in Thai Country Songs of Baitoey R-Siam


  • อุไรวรรณ สิงห์ทอง
  • หนึ่งฤทัย ม่วงเย็น
  • ขวัญดาว บุญทอง


Language used, Literature, Thai country songs Baitoey R-Siam


This study aimed to analyze the languageused in Thai country songs of Baitoey R-Siamfocusing on emotional words, rhyming, reduplications,foreign loanwords, and slangs. The results foundthat five emotional words were used in the songs
included 1) sadness and loneliness, 2) sarcasm,and satire, 3) happiness, 4) amusement and enjoyment,and 5) regret and concern. Two types of rhymingwere found; alliteration and assonance.Five reduplications in the songs were positionreduplications, doubling reduplications, separatedreduplications, between-word reduplication,and spontaneous reduplications. The composersused foreign loanwords from two languagesincluded forty-nine English words and one Chineseword. Moreover, three types of slangs were usedin the songs; five new slangs, eight adapted-wordslangs, and one foreign - loanword slang.


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How to Cite

สิงห์ทอง อ., ม่วงเย็น ห., & บุญทอง ข. (2017). An Analysis of Language Use in Thai Country Songs of Baitoey R-Siam. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 73–78. retrieved from



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