Development of Learning Activities to Promote English Vocabulary Retention for Mattayomsuksa 3 Students through STAD Co-operative Learning Techniques


  • วีรยุทธ จันทร์เหลือง
  • อภิราดี จันทร์แสง


Learning Achievement, English Vocabulary, STAD technique, Co-operative Learning


The objectives of this research were to 1) develop learning activities to promote Matthayomsuksa
3 students’ English vocabulary retention through STAD co-operative learning techniques to meet the criteria
of 80/80, 2) examine the effectiveness index of the developed learning activities, 3) study English vocabulary
retention promoted through Student Teams-Achieve Division (STAD) co-operative learning techniques, and
4) explore the students’ satisfaction of the developed learning activities. The target group was 11 students
at Ban Mailoa (Kururachpattana) School under the Office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 1.
The research instruments included 1) lesson plans for English learning activities based on STAD co-operative
learning techniques, 2) multiple choice quizzes (10 items, 9 series), 3) learning achievement tests for English
vocabulary retention constructed by the researcher (multiple choice, 40 items with a discrimination of
distribution of 0.26-0.79 and a reliability of 0.8379), and 4) a satisfaction test of the developed learning
activities ( a 5-Likert rating scale survey with 17 items and a discrimination of 0.2861-0.6252 and a reliability
of 0.8715. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, means, standard deviation, and hypothesis
tests (Dependent Samples t–test). The research revealed that:

1. The developed learning activities to promote English vocabulary retention through STAD
co-operative learning techniques met the criteria of 81.92 / 80.45.
2. The effectiveness index of the developed learning activities was 0.5590
3. The target students particularly taught by the developed learning activities showed no
differences in the mean scores from the post-test and the retention test.
4. The target students expressed a “high” level of satisfaction of the developed learning activities
to promote English vocabulary retention based on STAD co-operative learning techniques.


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How to Cite

จันทร์เหลือง ว., & จันทร์แสง อ. (2017). Development of Learning Activities to Promote English Vocabulary Retention for Mattayomsuksa 3 Students through STAD Co-operative Learning Techniques. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 207–217. retrieved from



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