Instructional Leadership of School Administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 21


  • รุ่งอรุณ เพ็ญกุลกิจ
  • ยืนยง ไทยใจดี


Instructional Leadership, school administrators, academic administration


The purposes of the research were to study, compare and investigate the guidelines of
instructional leadership of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 21.
The research sample consisted of 327 administrators and teachers which were obtained by stratified
random sampling. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire with a five point-rating
scale and the reliability of .98. Statistics for data analysis was mean, standard deviation, t–test
(Independent samples) and F-test (One - Way ANOVA). Results of the study were as follows:
1. Instructional leadership of school administrators, as a whole and as an individual aspect were
rated at a high level.
2. The comparison of instructional leadership of school administrators, according to positions
of the sample, as a whole there was not different. When comparing according to educational levels
and work experiences, as a whole and as an individual aspect, there were not different.
3. The study of guidelines for instructional leadership development of school administrators
revealed that school administrators should utilized student achievement to set the academic goals,
evaluate the teaching activities, create the report system of student achievement for parents, exchange
ideas with teachers and students about studying problems, announce the academic criteria to the stakeholders,
set up an exhibition for the best practice of student performance.


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How to Cite

เพ็ญกุลกิจ ร., & ไทยใจดี ย. (2017). Instructional Leadership of School Administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 21. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 154–162. retrieved from



Research Articles