English Camp Management for Higher Education, English Students, Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University


  • เดือนเพ็ญ รักษ์แพทย์


Evaluate in participating English Camp Activities, Satisfaction towards English Camp Management, Trainers and Trainees of Camp


This research was aimed to 1) develop English Skills and promote higher education students
to participate English Camp Activities 2) evaluate satisfaction and reflection of trainees and trainers
towards English camp management and participation. The sample groups consisted of trainers and trainees
of English camps assigned by Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University in the academic year 2016.
The trainers of camps were the fourth year students of English major. And the trainees were the second year
students with the majors of General Science, Art Education, Physical Education, Thai Language, English,
Social Education, Computer Education, Music Education, Mathematics and Early Childhood Education.
The trainers managed camp activities by following the best practice of English Camp (PPRA Cycle: Plan,
Practice, Reflection, Apply), set and designed 4-5 knowledge rotations of camp activities. All trainees
can communicate and join all activities. The results were as follows: 1) Evaluation in participating English
Camp focused on developing English communicative skills, specific English for each major of trainees,
maximum scores were 87-98 and minimum were 73-90. 2) The Satisfaction of trainees towards English
camp management and participation, the participants were satisfied in the range of high to highest level
(4.21-4.94). The Reflection of the trainers and trainees of camps were impressive and enjoyable;
they concluded that they received new knowledge and experiences.


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How to Cite

รักษ์แพทย์ เ. (2017). English Camp Management for Higher Education, English Students, Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 134–143. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/176356



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