Developing of English Listening Skills for Mathayomsuksa 3 Students By Using Television Programs


  • มณีรัตน์ กรรณิกา
  • อภิราดี จันทร์แสง


Learning, English listening skills, Television Programs


The purposes of this study were 1) to study the effectiveness of learning activities and
developing English listening skills by using television programs that met the 70/70 criteria, 2) to study
the effectiveness index of development of learning in English listening activities by using television programs
with a concentration on Mathayomsuksa 3 students, 3) to compare students' improvement in listening
skills before and after input learning activities into the classroom, and 4) to investigate students' attitudes
toward learning activities by using television programs. The sample group was 28 Mathayomsuksa 3 students
enrolled in the first semester, academic year 2016, Fadadsoongyang Wittayakarn School, The Secondary
Education Service Area Office 24, Kamalasai District, Kalasin Province. All participants were selected by
Cluster Random Sampling. The instruments used in the study were (1) a lesson plan designed by using

8 television programs for English listening comprehension, (2) the achievement test that had the difficulty
(p) from 0.34–0.67, discrimination (B) was 0.33–0.72, and the reliability of the questions was 0.81, (2) the measurement
of students' opinions on learning through television programs has discriminative range from 0.33-0.79,
and the reliability was 0.86. The mean, standard deviation and test statistics t-test (Dependent Samples)
were used for statistical analysis. The results of the study showed that;
1. The performance efficiency of the television programs designed for developing students
listening skills was 76.43/75.36 which met the criteria of 70/70.
2. The effectiveness Index of learning activities for improving students listening skills by using
television programs was 0.6042, this means that students had improved their listening skill with the
accounted score of 60.42 percent.
3. Students have showed his/her post-test score higher than pre-test score with statistically
significant at .05 level.
4. All of Mathayomsuksa 3 students had positive opinions towards the television programs with
an average of 4.35. Learning English through television programs makes learning English more fun and


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How to Cite

กรรณิกา ม., & จันทร์แสง อ. (2017). Developing of English Listening Skills for Mathayomsuksa 3 Students By Using Television Programs. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 126–133. retrieved from



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