Attitudes towards the Implementation of the Drug Addicted Rehabilitation Act B.E. 2545 : A Study on the Rehabilitation Treatment for Drug Addicts of Roi Et Probation Office


  • นิภาดา จัดสนาม
  • สิทธิชัย ตันศรีสกุล


Attitude, Drug Addicted Rehabilitation, Drug Addicted Rehabilitation Act B.E. 2545


This study investigates attitudes towards the implementation of the Rehabilitation Act of B.E. 2545 on addiction treatment, rehabilitation of drug addicts by the Roi Et Province Probation Office. The research study focused on attitudes about the rehabilitation process in the implementation of the Rehabilitation Act of B.E. 2545 on the addicts by using qualitative research methods from multiple data sources, such as laws and regulations, texts, and technical documents.  In–depth interviews were also conducted to observe phenomena that affect attitudes about the implementation of the Rehabilitation Act.

  The study showed that:  

  1. The process of drug investigations is as follows: When the police make an arrest they accuse the suspects in one of the following categories: drug abuse, drug abuse and possession, drug abuse and possession for distribution, and drug abuse for distribution; then the police would bring the accused to court within 48 hours. If the accused is under the age of 18 years, they bring the accused to court within 24 hours in order to get a court order to conduct a forensic examination. The court will order the subcommittee for rehabilitation in addiction offenses to make aa report to the Roi Et Province Probation Office.
  2. In the process of identification of substance abuse or addiction, officials will prepare a record of behavior of offenders and the environment of the accused to be completed within 15 days. If the action is not finished, a request for extension can be done up to no more than 30 days but totaling not more than 45 days. When the sub–committee rules that the accused is proven to be a drug abuser, the addiction rehabilitation plan will be provided for drug addicts, and the prosecutor will announce the results of that identification in order to proceed.
  3. There is also a process of delaying the court proceedings. If the accused is a drug abuser or an addict, a prosecutor will file a request to delay action until the abuser has been rehabilitated. The notification is reported from the sub–committee of rehabilitation of drug abuse. 

      4. The process of rehabilitation of drug addicts requires that the rehabilitation of drug addicts must be rehabilitated according to the rehabilitation plan for up to 180 days from the date they were sent to the rehabilitation. If the rehabilitation is not satisfactory, it can be extended for a further period not exceeding 180 days but not more than three years. When the drug abuser is restored completely from the rehabilitation plan, they are deemed to be exonerated from the accusation. Then the committee will order the person’s release and inform the police or prosecutor. If the rehabilitation is not yet complete, the sub–committee will report to the police or the prosecutor to prosecute the offender.


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How to Cite

จัดสนาม น., & ตันศรีสกุล ส. (2016). Attitudes towards the Implementation of the Drug Addicted Rehabilitation Act B.E. 2545 : A Study on the Rehabilitation Treatment for Drug Addicts of Roi Et Probation Office. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 10(2), 61–71. retrieved from



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