Results of the Petanque Learning Management plan through the QR code


  • กฤติกา สังขวดี
  • ปัญญา สังขวดี


Petanque, Learning Management Plan, QR Code


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the efficiency of an invented petanque learning
management plan through the QR code, 2) to compare the learning achievements before and after using
this QR code lesson plan, 3) to study the satisfaction of the students towards the development
of the petanque application through the QR code. The research tools were 1) the petanque learning
management plan through the QR code, 2) a 4-choice quiz with 40 items, and 3) a satisfaction questionnaire.
The group of people who served the information and guided the development was five experts on information
technology. The sample group was 37 students majoring in Physical Education and Exercises Science,
Faculty of Education, Naresuan University. These samples were drawn with simple random sampling.
Statistics for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and dependent samples t-test for hypothesis
testing. The results of the research revealed that:
1. The efficiency of the petanque learning management plan through the QR code from 3 experts
was at a “very good” level with a mean score of 4.60 (S.D. = 0.50).
2. The learning achievement of the students after using the petanque learning management plan
through the QR code was statistically significantly higher than before at .01.
3. The students’ satisfaction toward the petanque learning management plan through the QR
code was at a “high” level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.15, S.D. = 0.43)


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How to Cite

สังขวดี ก., & สังขวดี ป. (2017). Results of the Petanque Learning Management plan through the QR code. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 53–58. retrieved from



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