The Development of Biology Learning and Teaching Model to Support the Ability of Problem Solving and Critical Thinking and Enhance Learning Achievement of Matayom Suksa 4 Students


  • กุลศิริ บุญอาษา


Problem Solving and Critical Thinking, The model of Biology learning and Teaching


The objectives of this research were 1) to develop model of Biology learning and teaching to
support ability of problem solving and critical thinking and enhance learning achievement of Matthayomsuksa
4 students, 2) to study efficiency of Biology learning and teaching model to support ability of problem
solving and critical thinking and enhance learning achievement of Matthayomsuksa 4 students, 3) to compare
ability of problem solving and critical thinking of Matthayomsuksa 4 students before and after learning
with the model of Biology learning and teaching to support ability of problem solving and critical thinking
and enhance learning achievement of Matthayomsuksa 4 students, and 4) to study the satisfaction of
Matthayomsuksa 4 students to the model of Biology learning and teaching to support ability of problem
solving and critical and enhance learning achievement of Matthayomsuksa 4 students. This research and
development was to set up one-group pretest and posttest design. The samples used in this research
were 46 Matayom Suksa 4 students of Buakhao School, Kuchinarai district, Kalasin province by using
cluster random sampling. The tools used in this research composed of the model of Biology learning
and teaching to support ability of problem solving and critical thinking and enhance learning achievement
of Matthayomsuksa 4 students, lesson plans, the ability of problem solving and critical thinking test,
the achievement test and satisfaction form. The data were analyzed by using percentage (%), mean (x)
and standard deviation (SD). Hypothesis tests using t-test (Dependent Samples) and content analysis.
Results of the research found that:

1. The model of Biology learning and teaching to support ability of problem solving and critical
thinking and enhance learning achievement of Matayom Suksa 4 students passed an efficiency examination
by experts. This model is called RARCA Model which consists of principles, purposes, contents, learning
process, measurement and evaluation, social system, response principle, Support system, knowledge
and learning promotion. Developed teaching and learning model composed of 5 steps: 1) review for old
knowledge: R, 2) problem analysis: A. This step consist of 4 sub-steps were; 2.1) the ability to identify problems,
2.2) the ability to analyze problem, 2.3) the ability to propose problem solutions, 2.4) the ability
to check results, 3) Reflection :R, 4) conclusion: C and 5) application: A.
2. The efficiency (E1/E2) of Biology learning and teaching to support ability of problem solving
and critical thinking and enhance learning achievement of Matayom Suksa 4 students was 88.00/84.42.
When compared to the criteria of 80/80 which was higher than the expected criteria.
3. The ability of problem solving and critical thinking of Matayom Suksa 4 students before
and after studied with the model of Biology learning and teaching to support the ability of problem
solving and critical thinking was significantly different at the level of 0.05. The ability of problem solving
and critical thinking after using the model was higher than before using the model. The learning
achievement after using the model was higher than before using the model.
4. Satisfactions of Matayom Suksa 4 students toward the model of Biology learning and teaching

to support the ability of problem solving and critical thinking found that students were satisfied.
The overall level is of student satisfaction was high.


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How to Cite

บุญอาษา ก. (2017). The Development of Biology Learning and Teaching Model to Support the Ability of Problem Solving and Critical Thinking and Enhance Learning Achievement of Matayom Suksa 4 Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 35–42. retrieved from



Research Articles