The development of student’s competency in peer counseling


  • กาญจน์กมล สุวิทยารัตน์
  • ไหมไทย ไชยพันธุ์


counseling competency, peer counseling, counseling training group program


The objective of this research was to compare development of student’s competency in peer
counseling. The sample of the study was 30 first to three years students in Education faculty, Rajabhat
Songkhla University by Volunteer Sampling. The sample group was the experimental group and
participated in competency counseling training group program. The research instruments were competency
counseling test with reliability coefficient (alpha) of .85 and the competency counseling training group
program for developing competency counseling with item objective (IOC) ranged from 0.6-1.0. The data
was analyzed by frequency, percentage, average mean, standard deviation and t-test.The results of
the study was significant differences was 0.01 level in general and factors of competency counseling in
the training group before and after experiments. The results of this study indicated that the competency
counseling training group program was a key factor to increase a positive change in the competency counseling


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How to Cite

สุวิทยารัตน์ ก., & ไชยพันธุ์ ไ. (2017). The development of student’s competency in peer counseling. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12, 198–207. retrieved from



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