Development Guidelines Child Development Center under Organized by Keung Administration Organization, Mueng District, Mahasarakham Province


  • วิภาพร ศรีพงษ์ยิ่ง
  • อุรสา พรหมทา
  • ศิริภิญญา ตระกูลรัมย์


A Development, the Child Development Centers


The research aim to 1) Current Situation and Adverse conditions of the Child Development Center.
According to the respondents of the Board of Management of Child Development Centers And
2) Development guidelines child development center under organized by keung administration organization,
mueng district, mahasarakham province. The research was divided into 2 phases. Phase 1; the target group
comprised administrators, child development center committee members, and child care teachers, totally
92 persons, The data analysis was to find percentage, the mean, standard deviation F-test and t-test. Phase 2;
the target group consisted of 128 persons. The analysis of data employed interpretation of the opinions of
the experienced persons. The findings are as follows: 1) Current Situation of the Child Development Center.According to the respondents of the Board of Management of Child Development Centers. Researchers
analyzed using mean (Mean) and standard deviation (Standard Deviation) interpretation of the criteria
were at the moderate level. With an average of 2.89, and considering the current state of the sort that has
the middle average is the management of child care centers. The academic and curricular activities.
The Premises Environment and safety of personnel and the support of all sectors involved. Minor respectively
2) Adverse conditions of the Child Development Center. According to the respondents of the Board of
Management of Child Development Centers. Researchers analyzed using mean (Mean) and standard deviation
(Standard Deviation) interpretation of the criteria were at the highest level. The mean was 4.72, and the sort
of conditions that are adverse to the highest academic average and coursework. The support of all
sectors involved. The Premises Environment and safety of personnel and the management of child care
centers. Minor respectively 3) The ways of developing the operation of the child development centers are
as follows : on the aspect of administration of the child development center, a committee of capable
persons should be appointed to decide on the matters of budget and purchasing of educational supplies
and concerned persons should be promoted to support the evaluation of learning organization with
quality instruments.


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How to Cite

ศรีพงษ์ยิ่ง ว., พรหมทา อ., & ตระกูลรัมย์ ศ. (2017). Development Guidelines Child Development Center under Organized by Keung Administration Organization, Mueng District, Mahasarakham Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12, 191–197. retrieved from



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