Literature Analysis in Lullabies by Phu Thai People in Hong Saeng, Loeng Noktha District, Yasothon Province


  • อนันตศักดิ์ พลแก้วเกษ
  • ภาวิณี ห้องแซง


lullaby by Phu Tai people, Literature, Local wisdom


This study analyzed lullabies by Phu Thai people in Hong Saeng, Loeng Noktha district,
Yasothon province. It aimed to 1 ) analyze origin of lullabies by Phu Thai people in Hong Saeng,
Loeng Noktha district, Yasothon province 2) analyze art created language in lullabies by Phu Thai people
in Hong Saeng, Loeng Noktha district, Yasothon province. Data was analyzed qualitatively and presented
in term of analytic descriptive which showed results as follows.
Results revealed that lullabies by Phu Thai people in Hong Saeng, Loeng Noktha district,
Yasothon province were from creativity of local wisdom that would tell things as one connected story
such as animals; fish, chicken, bird, cat, gecko, cow, and buffalo. About careers, it would be farming and
breeding silk worm. The songs were passed on from the ancestors by listening and remembering without
clear origin.

For analyzing text of lullabies by Phu Thai people, they showed the structure of the text in 3 features.
1. Patterns and characteristics of the text or rhyme
2. Language analysis included 4 aspects which were comparison, metaphor, hyperbole, and symbol
3. Role of lullabies by Phu Thai people offers 1) Helping kids sleep earlier 2) Tools for raising
and refining kids 3) Entertaining singer and listener 4) Indicator of rich social and community culture
5) Reflecting way of life, thinking, belief, and social value 6) Reflecting love relationship between kids
and parents 7) Building basic education for kids.


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How to Cite

พลแก้วเกษ อ., & ห้องแซง ภ. (2017). Literature Analysis in Lullabies by Phu Thai People in Hong Saeng, Loeng Noktha District, Yasothon Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 25–34. retrieved from



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