The development of WebQuest learning process on scaffolding for information technology subject of Matthayomsuksa 3 students


  • สุจิราภรณ์ เงาศรี
  • สนิท ตีเมืองซ้าย
  • ทรงศักดิ์ สองสนิท


Webquest, Scaffolding


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop the lessons Webquest Learning Process on scaffolding
for Information Technology Subject of Matthayomsuksa 3 students 2) to find the efficiency of the development
of Webquest Learning Process on scaffolding for Information Technology Subject by using Merguigan’s formula.
3) To compare learning achievement toward Control group 4) to study the student’s satisfaction of the Webquest
Learning Process on scaffolding for Information Technology Subject. The sample was students in Matthayomsuksa
3 attending Patiowitthaya School, Patiowitthaya District, Yasothon Province by cluster random sampling
in the second semester of the academic year 2014. The instruments were WBI, Lesson plans, Achievement testand Satisfaction Assessment form. The statistical procedures used for data analysis were arithmetic mean
percentage standard deviation and t – test independent samples. The results of the research were as follows:
1) The process of creating interest and freeing up the basic thinking of the learner's use in modifying.
Planning for immunization screening to improve the quality of the lessons learned on the web, experts
found that the quality of the lessons was at the highest level. 2) Analyze the effectiveness of web-based
learning. Using the process of promoting learning potential. Information Technology Meguigans's standard is
1.11, which is greater than 1.00. Effective Meguigans’s standards. 3) Learning Achievement Among Learners
By using the process of promoting learning potential with the normal group. Find out if the group learned
on the web. The scores of learning achievement were higher than that of normal students. At the .01 level
of significance. 4) Satisfaction of learners with web-based lessons. Using the process of promoting learning
potential. The satisfaction of the students was the most satisfied


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How to Cite

เงาศรี ส., ตีเมืองซ้าย ส., & สองสนิท ท. (2017). The development of WebQuest learning process on scaffolding for information technology subject of Matthayomsuksa 3 students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12, 180–190. retrieved from



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