The Development of Mathematics Exercises Entitled, “Integer System” for Grade 7 Students


  • กนกกร พวงสมบัติ
  • นฤมล แสงพรหม
  • เบญจมาภรณ์ เสนารัตน์
  • สมประสงค์ เสนารัตน์


Mathematics Exercises, Integer System, Efficiency


The purpose of this research was to develop the mathematics exercises entitled, “Integer System”
for grade 7 students. This research and development process was divided into 3 steps. The first step was
construction of research instruments including; learning plans, mathematics exercises, an achievement test
and a satisfaction questionnaire. The second step was the trial of research instruments with grade 7 students
at Watkrokpradoo School, Buriram Primary Educational Service Area 1, in the academic year of 2014
and 2015. The third step was to assess an effectiveness index and efficiency indices of the mathematics
exercises. Moreover, this step was also to analyze student satisfaction toward the mathematics exercises.
The purposive sampling was utilized to recruit 9 grade 7 students for collecting the data at Watkrokpradoo
School, Buriram Primary Educational Service Area 1, in the academic year of 2016. Results of the study
revealed that the mathematics exercises were evaluated content validity at the highest level. The efficiency
indices of the mathematics exercises (E1/E2) were 80.00/78.52 with an effectiveness index of 0.69. An analysis
of student satisfaction toward the mathematics exercises showed that students were satisfied at the
highest level.


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How to Cite

พวงสมบัติ ก., แสงพรหม น., เสนารัตน์ เ., & เสนารัตน์ ส. (2017). The Development of Mathematics Exercises Entitled, “Integer System” for Grade 7 Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 1–7. retrieved from



Research Articles