Strategic Reading Tasks to Promote Higher Level of Comprehension of Thai Students


  • Nawaphorn Wannathong
  • Uthaivan Danvivath


Strategic Reading Tasks, Higher Level of Comprehension, Reading- to-write task


The objectives of this mixed method study were: 1) to develop a strategic reading task to improve students’ higher level of comprehension, and 2) to study the effectiveness of reading-to-writing task on higher level of comprehension. The 15 participants of the study were randomly selected from 52 third year English major students of the Faculty of Education in Academic Year 2015.  Reading-to-write task, pre-test and post-test, questionnaire, and interview were employed for data collection. The collected data were analyzed for t-test, means, and standard deviation in terms of quantitative data. Content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. The findings presented that 1) students’ higher level of comprehension were developed through the strategic reading task with statistically significant at .01, and 2) the reading-to-write task promoted students’ higher level of comprehension of good and fair groups of students at high level (X= 4.18, X= 3.56) respectively. The positive attitudes of students towards the strategic reading task were also revealed in this study.


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How to Cite

Wannathong, N., & Danvivath, U. (2017). Strategic Reading Tasks to Promote Higher Level of Comprehension of Thai Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 12–20. retrieved from



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