A Development of Writing Lesson Plan Curriculum Based on Integrate Local Wisdom of Careers and Sustenance in Small Schools, Uttaradit Province


  • จริยา พิชัยคำ
  • ชลายุทธ์ ครุฑเมือง
  • คชาภรณ์ อุดเลิศ
  • อัฐสัณห์ นครศรี


Training curriculum, Integrated, career skills


This research aims to: To study context of local wisdom in occupation and subsistence of the
community. To develop a training course and to study the effectiveness of using the development of
training course. The target audience were 19 a teacher for a small schools. The study was divided into 3 phases:
phase 1 Study context, phase 2 Development of training curriculum and phase 3 Study of curriculum
implementation. The tool used is the Knowledge Assessment Form, Activity evaluation form , Evaluation
of written learning plan, Practice Assessment Form, Satisfaction Assessment Form, and the interviewer.
Collect data both quantitatively and qualitatively. Descriptive analysis of descriptive data. And quantitative data
The frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation The results of the study are as follows: 1) The results
of the community context study on local wisdom should be integrated in teaching and learning to develop

the top three students, Clay pot And local food products 2) Training curriculum, writing plan, learning
management, integration of local wisdom on occupation and subsistence for small schools. Uttaradit Must
contain 6 elements: source and importance, principle, purpose, structure, content and time. Experience
Guidelines Measurement and Evaluation 3) The results of the training program. The instructors were
developed knowledge, skills and desirable characteristics through the 70% criterion, 100%, and the participants
were satisfied with the overall level of activities at the highest level

(gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.67; S.D.= 0.52)


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How to Cite

พิชัยคำ จ., ครุฑเมือง ช., อุดเลิศ ค., & นครศรี อ. (2017). A Development of Writing Lesson Plan Curriculum Based on Integrate Local Wisdom of Careers and Sustenance in Small Schools, Uttaradit Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12, 149–156. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/176315



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