Administrator and Motivation Creation


  • ธันยาภรณ (พาพลงาม) นวลสิงห
  • ยุวธิดา ชาปัญญา
  • ชีวรัตน์ ศีลพันธุ


Motivation, Motivation Creation, Administrator


  Motivation is one of important factors affecting human behaviors as it stimulates desires in people to be willing, and committed to a job and make an effort to attain a goal. Currently, government and private’s organizations are interested in feeling of their staff. It is necessary for organizations’ administrators to promote and create motivation to optimize the effectiveness of work performance. Moreover, work motivation can direct an effective administration of effective leaders. Accordingly, administrators or leaders should find out effective techniques to create motivation of their personnel in order to reach organizational goal effectively.


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How to Cite

นวลสิงห ธ. (พาพลงาม), ชาปัญญา ย., & ศีลพันธุ ช. (2016). Administrator and Motivation Creation. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 10(2), 45–53. retrieved from



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