Students’ mindset in a Rajabhat University in the northeast of Thailand, 2015.


  • ยุวธิดา ชาปัญญา
  • ธันยาภรณ์ นวลสิงห์
  • อ่อมขวัญ กฤษณะกาฬ


Mindset, Students’ mindset


  This research aimed to 1) study mindset of the second year students in Rajabhat University in the northeast of Thailand , 2015 and 2) compare the mindset of students  in term of gender, faculty, family career and family income (per year).      The sample were 364 second year students in the Faculty of Education, Nursing , Arts and Sciences, Business and Accounting and InformationTechnology, Roi Et Rajabhat University in 2015 by stratified random by the faculty. The sample size was calculated by formula of Krejcie and Morgan.    The data was gathered by questionnaire with the content validity (IOC : item objective congruence Index) was during .66-1.00  and the reliability was .86 analyzed by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Statistics utilized for analyzing the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test (independent sample), F-test (One-Way ANOVA) and Scheffe’s method.

  The results of this research were 1. The mindset of second year student in a Rajabhat University in the northeast of Thailand, 2015 as an overall was at a moderate level. The aspect with the good level were the criticism, otherwise the effort, the obstacle, the challenge and the success of others were moderate level.  2. Comparison of mindset are as follow  2.1 Mindset of male and female were indifferent. 2.2 Students who study in different faculty had different level of mindset were significant at the .01 level. Students who study in the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Nursing were at good level, the other were at moderate level. When compared by using Scheffe's  method  found that students who study in the faculty of Education had different level of mindset from the faculty of Arts and Sciences, the faculty of Business and Accounting, the faculty of Law and the faculty of Information Technology  were significant at the .01 level. Students who study in the faculty of Nursing had different level of mindset from the faculty of Information Technology  were significant different at the .01 level. 2.3 Students’s mindset from different  family career were indifferent. 2.4 Students’s mindset from different  family income were  indifferent.


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How to Cite

ชาปัญญา ย., นวลสิงห์ ธ., & กฤษณะกาฬ อ. (2016). Students’ mindset in a Rajabhat University in the northeast of Thailand, 2015. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 10(2), 38–44. retrieved from



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