The Guidelines for Participation Promotion of Network Party in Administration of Non-Formal and Informal Education in Roi Et Province


  • สุวิมล รัฐวร
  • ยุวธิดา ชาปัญญา


Guidelines, Participation, Non-formal and informal Education


The purpose of this research were ; 1) to study Need Assessment for Participation of network party
in administration of non-formal and informal education in Roi Et Province. and 2) suggestion the guidelines
for Participation Promotion of network party in administration of non-formal and informal education
in Roi Et Province. The research is divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 the samples were 360 subjects.
And phase 2 the contributor is Director of network party in administration of non-formal and informal
education ,director Sub-district Non-formal and Informal Education Centre and network party total 8 subjects.
The research instruments were a questionnaire and a semi structured interview. Data were analyzed by
percentage, mean, standard deviation, priority needs index PNIModified ,PNI and content analysis. The findings
were as follows:
Phase 1 according priority needs index most necessary needs monitoring and evaluation, learning
management, planning, and responsibility for performance

Phase 2 the guidelines for Participation Promotion of network party in administration of non-formal
and informal education in Roi Et Province were plan, share, and comment on the approval and approval
of projects. Find out the needs of people in the community. To get the information needs. Used to determine
the operating guidelines. The system is clear to be the information to improve the operations of Sub-district
Non-formal and Informal Education Centre and Organize a meeting to clarify that the network members see
the importance of educational supervision using materials. Modern and effective tracking and evaluation.
The results of the evaluation should be presented to publics.


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How to Cite

รัฐวร ส., & ชาปัญญา ย. (2017). The Guidelines for Participation Promotion of Network Party in Administration of Non-Formal and Informal Education in Roi Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12, 83–91. retrieved from



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