A Smartphone-Assisted Instructional Model in English Reading for Thai Students at University Level


  • Poonsuk Jantasin
  • Suksan Suppasetseree


Instructional model, English reading skill, Smartphone


Among the four skills of English language, reading is considered as the most important skill for English learners. The importance of reading skills in English has long been perceived as being crucial in the context of a globalized world as it is one of the imperative skills which play an important role for educational and professional success. However, it is demonstrated that the proficiency level of English reading among Thai students are unsatisfactory and needed to be improved. Today, smartphone is becoming an appropriate tool to be used in educational contexts. Because of its powerful features and services, learners can access to content from a smartphone anywhere and anytime. It also offers the greatest potential for integration of technological hardware into language learning. Accordingly, this study was conducted to develop a Smartphone-Assisted Instructional Model (SAI Model) on how to read in English for students at Roi Et Rajabhat University (RERU), Thailand. Nevertheless, to design


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How to Cite

Jantasin, P., & Suppasetseree, S. (2017). A Smartphone-Assisted Instructional Model in English Reading for Thai Students at University Level. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 1–11. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/176297



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