Self – Esteem Enhancing for Adolescent


  • อุมาพร ไวยารัตน์
  • กัญญาวดี แสงงาม


Self – Esteem, Life - Skill, Adolescent, Self – Esteem Enhancing


The development of life skills for adolescents is enhancement of self -esteem. Self-esteem is
defined in terms of an individual’s feeling about himself or herself.Self – esteem is viewed as an affective
evaluation of one’s self – concept. The level of self- esteem of an individual is based on that person's
feelings. When people with low self-esteem face negative situations, they will assess their self-esteem
as low level. Low self-esteem causes problems such as depress, anxiety, drug usage, pregnancy in school,
suicide, etc. High self-esteem person is able to face the problems and can develop themselves successfully.
It should be encouraged that adolescents have a good self-esteem development process which is appropriate
to their developmental age and potential. Therefore, it is significant to build self-esteem for teens, and all
parties should be aware of planning activities to increase the pride of children and youth.The approach
in enhancing self -esteem for adolescents included 5 ways as follows : 1. Using R - C – A activities
2. Contemplative education activities 3. Combined art activities 4. Using psychological theory program
5. Peer affiliation. By combining various techniques and activities, it would guide and promote self-esteem
for adolescent.


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How to Cite

ไวยารัตน์ อ., & แสงงาม ก. (2019). Self – Esteem Enhancing for Adolescent. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12, 74–82. retrieved from



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