Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay of Organic Milk Attributes in Bangkok


  • สิริรัญญา อุบาลี
  • วิศิษฐ์ ลิ้มสมบุญชัย
  • อภิชาต ดะลุณเพธย์


Organic Milk, Preferences, Willingness to Pay


This research objective aimed to study preferences on characteristic of organic milk convincing
consumers to buy and evaluate willingness of consumers to buy milk. Questionnaire was used to
collect data from 400 samples in Bangkok area. Data were analyzed by conjoint analysis and calculate
the value of willing to pay.
Conjoint analysis results found that samples of consumers are attributes satisfied with 1) organic milk
packaging 2) organic product certified seal 3) price per unit. Selling place did not show much effect
on consumers' satisfaction. Results of calculating willingness-to-pay value of consumers on characters
of organic milk product found that they had willing to pay 7.50 baht more for glass bottled organic milk
and 16.25 baht (200 c.c.) for organic certified seal milk product. Research result indicated that consumers were
willing to pay more for organic certified seal, clean and safety milk. Therefore organic milk producers might
use these findings for their guidelines for packaging planning use bottle glass packaging, certify seal request
from government organization and price aspects of organic milk attributes to meet the exact needs of
their consumers.


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How to Cite

อุบาลี ส., ลิ้มสมบุญชัย ว., & ดะลุณเพธย์ อ. (2019). Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay of Organic Milk Attributes in Bangkok. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12, 43–49. retrieved from



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