Development of the Professional Teacher Indicators for the Student Teacher: Roi Et Rajabhat University


  • แสงจันทร์ กะลาม
  • ธีระศักดิ์ ดาแก้ว
  • ดร.สันติ วิจักขณาลัญฉ์
  • ดร.จิตราภรณ์ วงค์คำจันทร์
  • ดร.ภัทรวรรณ คำแปล


The objective of this study was to develop indicators for the student teacher to be considered
professional. Research methods using qualitative. The group of interview was four groups twenty people
including 1) the university lecturers in education four people 2) a school director 3) a senior professional
teacher and 4) student teachers fourteen people.
Finding: The professional teacher indicators for the student teacher to be considered professional
consist of 1) self-discipline and self-improvement to keep up with socio-economic development, 2) faithfulness,
honesty and responsibility for the profession, professional organizations, and the disciple, serving according
to their roles and duties with sincerity, equality, and avoidance of wrongdoing, 3) love, compassion, empathy,
and empowerment for the followers, and service with sincerity and equality, 4) promotion of learning, skills
and habits, being a good role model with sincerity, 5) reporting on the development of learners from
instructional activities, including causes, factors, and actions involved, 6) acting as a good example, physically,
verbally and mentally, 7) collaboration with others in the creative school, and keeping harmony with other
the faculty, and 8) creating activities for conservation and development of society, religion, arts, culture
and environment.


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How to Cite

กะลาม แ., ดาแก้ว ธ., วิจักขณาลัญฉ์ ด., วงค์คำจันทร์ ด., & คำแปล ด. (2018). Development of the Professional Teacher Indicators for the Student Teacher: Roi Et Rajabhat University. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12, 34–42. retrieved from



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